Wednesday is a Netflix show that follows the story of a teenage girl named Wednesday Addams, who is the daughter of Gomez and Morticia Addams. This show got famous from a trending dance move from a scene in the show as well as the quirky storyline. However, this show also explores various psychological concepts, including family dynamics, attachment styles, and identity development. In this article, we will explore some of these concepts in more detail.
Family Dynamics
Family dynamics are a critical aspect of the show, as Wednesday’s relationship with her family is complex and often challenging. Wednesday struggles to navigate her relationship with her parents, who have very different parenting styles. Gomez is more laid-back and encourages Wednesday to be herself, while Morticia is more strict and traditional. This dynamic leads to conflict between Wednesday and her parents, which is a common theme in many families.
Attachment Styles
Attachment theory is a psychological concept that explores the bonds individuals form with their primary caregivers during childhood and how these bonds influence their relationships throughout their lives. In Wednesday, we see different attachment styles in various characters. Wednesday has an insecure attachment style, which is evident in her struggles to connect with her parents and her difficulty forming close relationships with others. In contrast, her brother Pugsley has a secure attachment style, which is evident in his strong relationship with his parents and his ability to form close friendships.
Identity Development
Identity development is another psychological concept explored in the show. Wednesday is struggling to find her place in the world and is questioning her identity. She feels torn between her family’s traditions and her desire to be independent and forge her path. This struggle is common among teenagers as they try to figure out who they are and where they fit in the world.
Mental Health
Mental health is a significant theme in the show, as many characters struggle with various mental health issues. For example, Morticia experiences anxiety and depression, which impacts her relationship with her daughter. Wednesday also struggles with anxiety and depression, which is evident in her behavior and mood throughout the show, especially when compared to her best friend Enid. Mental health issues are a common concern for individuals of all ages, and it’s essential to seek help when needed.
Acceptance is another psychological concept explored in the show. Wednesday’s family is different from other families, and this leads to a lot of judgment and discrimination from others. However, despite the challenges they face, Wednesday’s family remains true to themselves and embraces their uniqueness. This acceptance is a crucial lesson for individuals of all ages, as it’s essential to embrace who you are and be proud of your differences. Often for many clients, the missing ingredient to happiness is simply acceptance of who we are, what our boundaries are and respect them.
Wednesday Addams demonstrated various psychological concepts and struggles that could be found within all of us, including family dynamics, attachment styles, identity development, mental health, and acceptance. By exploring these concepts in the context of a captivating and entertaining tv show, Wednesday provides a unique and engaging way to learn about psychology. If you feel in anyway that you are struggling with the concepts described above, it is never a bad time to seek a trained mental health professional for a chat!
Author: Christopher Lee, B Psych Science (Hons); Masters of Psych (Clinical); MAPS
Christopher Lee is a Brisbane psychologist with a keen interest in helping teenagers and young adults with trauma, behavioural and relational issues. In addition to speaking English, Cantonese and Mandarin fluently, Christopher uses evidence-based therapy techniques such as CBT, ACT, EFT, and DBT.