Need help with managing to afford treatment? We have a range of options available to assist with affording sessions when you need it and paying later or at reduced rates. There are a couple of different options, so our dedicated staff will be in contact with you to work through which option works better. Reduced rates are possible with some clinicians on a case by case basis. However we find that many of our team are highly trained and specialists in a field of treatment and this means that they are in high demand and often don’t have any reduced rates availability.
We want the best treatment, with the right person for you, and as soon a possible.
The options include:
- Different government or Medicare or health rebates contribute to reducing costs. In particular the Medicare Safety Net Rebate is highly valued by those using Medicare referrals. Simply explained – once your reach the threshold a $310 psychology session is rebated at a higher amount. Leaving not much for you to pay as a gap. We understand that this requires some outlay initially to reach the net and we can help with this as well.
- Just like most stores, we offer options for managing an account with us. This means that you can attend today, and pay in steady fortnightly repayments as your life improves. Many clients find that they need help when things have gone wrong. This means that the help they need happens when they can least afford to pay for it. We are hopeful that by helping you to stagger your payments, that you will gain the life direction needed as quickly as possible.
- Hardship rates are possible but not in conjunction with using an account system that you pay off later. At times, some clinicians will have gaps in their diary and if you are willing to be flexible with times and clinicians then we can look for such gaps or cancelations and seek to match you with someone who can assist with your needs while remaining affordable.
Contact our amazing team via email reception@ or Call (07) 3088 5422 to apply for support for services and we will send you a link to our online form, to find out a little about you and your situation, in order to provide you with suitable options to enable you to afford treatment.