Perfectionism is a highly valued trait among many people. People perceive ‘perfectionists’ as hard working individuals that strive for excellence. However, striving for extremely high standards can get in the way of our happiness and actually impair our ability to reach our goals. High levels of perfectionism can impact on our well-being, and on occasion lead to social isolation and depression. If you’re worried your perfectionism behaviours may be impacting negatively on your life, you can arrange a free Emotional Health Check-up today by calling 3088 5422. Click here to find out more.
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Our committed Director needs your help! She has seen 1,100 people for free check ups and wants to expand the service to help more people!
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Party Drugs: Occasional Ecstasy use also poses a threat to your mental health
Recreational drug taking is on the rise with increasing availability of illegal stimulants. Ecstasy contains the drug MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), yet the actual quantity of this stimulant varies as most pills have higher concentrations of ‘fillers’, cleaning products and other harmful chemicals, such as bleach are used to stretch the product. Beside the health detriments of these poisons, the actual effect of MDMA itself on mental function is often over-looked and under-reported aspect of drug use. No drug use, no matter how minor or infrequent, is without risk, particularly in those prone to depression or other genetic mood disorders such as bi-polar or anxiety.
If you are worried about yourself or a close friend or family member, it may be helpful to speak to a psychologist about treatment options or therapies to curb drug use or deal with substance-related problems. Vision Psychology has a number of psychologists and psychotherapist who work in drug-related therapies.
General Anxiety In Children
GP or Specialist?
If you are a GP in our local area you may like to fax the mental health referral letter (under the better access initiative) to (07) 3420 5824. Please remember that we do not need the mental health plan, unless the client consents to its release. We require a referral letter like the one you send to a psychiatrist, and Medicare requires that you bill the psychology mental health plan number for your consultation. Please state the number of sessions that you wish us to provide to your client as this is a Medicare requirement. Read More…
Mental Health
Life events such as the birth of a child, death of a relative, marriage and separation can cause a decrease in mental health as individuals and families become over-burdened with stress, change and the drain on resources due to these sorts of events. Most individuals recover well without counselling, but sometimes individuals become vulnerable due to excessive change, poor physical health and a sudden decrease in social supports. Read More…