Recreational drug taking is on the rise with increasing availability of illegal stimulants. Ecstasy contains the drug MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), yet the actual quantity of this stimulant varies as most pills have higher concentrations of ‘fillers’, cleaning products and other harmful chemicals, such as bleach are used to stretch the product. Beside the health detriments of these poisons, the actual effect of MDMA itself on mental function is often over-looked and under-reported aspect of drug use. No drug use, no matter how minor or infrequent, is without risk, particularly in those prone to depression or other genetic mood disorders such as bi-polar or anxiety.
If you are worried about yourself or a close friend or family member, it may be helpful to speak to a psychologist about treatment options or therapies to curb drug use or deal with substance-related problems. Vision Psychology has a number of psychologists and psychotherapist who work in drug-related therapies.