Have you noticed that your child frequently complains of an upset stomach or headaches? Does your child get easily upset, worry a lot about getting things right or do they often cry over small things? If so then your child may be suffering from anxiety. While we all, children included, experience anxiousness from time to time, it may be time for additional support if your child’s anxiety or anxious behaviours begin to get in the way of your child enjoying day to day activites.
Anxiety in children may present itself in a number of ways that impact the whole family. Recurrent physical issues such as sleeplessness, stomach aches, chest pains and sore muscles may become more frequent. Your child may begin to refuse to participate in activities that serve as a source of anxious or fearful feelings. This may include activities such as going to school or visiting friends. Without professional assistance, these feelings and avoiding behaviours can significantly impact on your child’s social and emotional development.
If you feel that your child may be experiencing anxiety, know that help is available. A trained psychologist is able to work with you and your child in establishing new strategies and techniques to help better manage these feelings and behaviours. To start working towards both you and your child being able to enjoying life to the fullest, book an Emotional Health Check Up today.